We Afrikans, with our distinct racial features -blackness, curly hair, broad nose, thick lips, etc.- are really blessed with greatest gift from nature. The source of all this beauty is this precious life and chemical substance; Melanin. It can not be analyzed, can not be broken apart, nor can it be fingerprinted; it is still a mystery to modern scientists. Our body is totally the replica of the universe, every single chemical present in this earth can also be found in our bodies. Melanin is also present in all corners of nature.
The galaxies, the sea, the soil and food, and the womb of our mothers all manifest the presence of this complex chemical substance. Melanin is also present in our internal system and in all parts of our body; hearts, livers, muscles, nerves, intestines, and 12 locations in our brain. It is indeed our mothers who give us melanin once we are still in the womb. Melanin is the substance responsible for our existence. It is a healer, a "drug" and organizer of major body functions; melanin is a system unto itself.